Brinza "Israel" BY LB!!!

Manufacturer: BIOLIFEПроизводитель
Article: BIO43333Артикул товара
Minimum Order: 3.00Минимальный заказ товара
Item: ~1LbВес товара/3Количество едениц в 1 кейсе.
Unit: PcsТовар Продаеться Pcs
Shelf life: Еше не добавленноДлительность хранения от даты производства
Expiration date: MADE IN USAСрок годности
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Bryndza cheese is made from Sheep’s milk. It is a very popular cheese throughout Eastern Europe. It is cut into cubes and stored in brine. Bryndza contains around 45% fat. It’s creamy, rich and salty.
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